Sun & Space Weather Researcher
태양 및 우주 날씨 연구원
Hyun-Jin Jeong
Postdoctoral Researcher
1) Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics,
Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven
(2025.01 - present)
2) School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University
(2024.12, voluntary work; 2025.01 - present)
3) Department of Astronomy & Space Science,
College of Applied Science, Kyung Hee University
(2023.03 - 2024.11)
- Doctor of Philosophy (2018.03 - 2023.02)
School of Space Research, School of Space Research,
Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea - Bachelor of Science (2012.03 - 2018.02)
Department of Astronomy and Space Science,
Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea
Scientific Research (과학 연구)
Main research
: Generation of solar farside magnetograms from STEREO and SDO data sets by deep learning and their scientific applications
주요 연구
: STEREO와 SDO 자료들로부터 딥러닝으로 태양 뒷면 자기장 자료 생성 및 딥러닝 생성 자료들을 과학 연구에 활용
AISFM-A/B: AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetogram by STEREO-A/B
Improved AI-generated Solar Farside Magnetograms by STEREO and SDO Data Sets and Their Release
: STEREO와 SDO 자료들로부터 인공지능으로 생성한 고정밀 태양 뒷면 자기장 자료와 자료 공개
Hyun-Jin Jeong, Yong-Jae Moon, Eunsu Park, Harim Lee, and Ji-Hye Baek
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 262, Issue 2, 50, 11 pp. (2022)
- 2022 Journal Impact Factor (IF): 8.700
Here we greatly improve artificial intelligence (AI)–generated solar farside magnetograms using data sets from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We modify our previous deep-learning model and configuration of input data sets to generate more realistic magnetograms than before. First, our model, which is called Pix2PixCC, uses updated objective functions, which include correlation coefficients (CCs) between the real and generated data. Second, we construct input data sets of our model: solar farside STEREO extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) observations together with nearest frontside SDO data pairs of EUV observations and magnetograms. We expect that the frontside data pairs provide historic information on magnetic field polarity distributions. We demonstrate that magnetic field distributions generated by our model are more consistent with the real ones than previously, in consideration of several metrics. The averaged pixel-to-pixel CC for full disk, active regions, and quiet regions between real and AI-generated magnetograms with 8 × 8 binning are 0.88, 0.91, and 0.70, respectively. Total unsigned magnetic flux and net magnetic flux of the AI-generated magnetograms are consistent with those of real ones for the test data sets. It is interesting to note that our farside magnetograms produce polar field strengths and magnetic field polarities consistent with those of nearby frontside magnetograms for solar cycles 24 and 25. Now we can monitor the temporal evolution of active regions using solar farside magnetograms by the model together with the frontside ones. Our AI-generated solar farside magnetograms are now publicly available at the Korean Data Center for SDO (
Reply to: Reliability of AI-generated magnetograms from only EUV images
: EUV 영상으로부터 인공지능이 생성한 태양 자기장 자료의 신뢰성에 대한 답변
Eunsu Park, Hyun-Jin Jeong, Harim Lee, Taeyoung Kim, and Yong-Jae Moon
Nature Astronomy, Volume 5, 111-112 pp. (2021)
- 2021 Journal Impact Factor (IF): 15.647
We consider generating solar magnetograms using only EUV images to be a starting point. We know that we can get much better results when using other datasets, such as Ca II images. However, EUV images are the best datasets for generating solar farside magnetograms because the STEREO mission produces EUV images. There have been studies that improved space weather predictions using the farside active regions observed by the STEREO/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) images, such as Arge et al. (2013). As shown in Jeong et al. (2020), we have demonstrated that the AI-generated magnetograms could reproduce the magnetic field distributions of not only the active regions but also open field regions, effectively. We have applied the AI-generated ones to a part of the boundary conditions for the coronal magnetic field extrapolation. We also showed that our results for this application are much more consistent with coronal observations than those of the conventional method. This series of studies present positive prospects for the application of the farside magnetograms for the study of the solar corona, heliosphere, and space weather. In addition, our studies may provide us with useful information on how to construct a set of instruments onboard future solar satellites, such as the L4 and L5 missions.
Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolation from Synchronic Data with AI-generated Farside
: 인공지능으로 생성한 태양 뒷면 정보가 반영된 실시간 자료로부터 태양 코로나의 자기장 외삽 연구
Hyun-Jin Jeong, Yong-Jae Moon, Eunsu Park, and Harim Lee
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 903, Issue 2, L25, 9 pp. (2020)
- 2020 Journal Impact Factor (IF): 7.413
Solar magnetic fields play a key role in understanding the nature of the coronal phenomena. Global coronal magnetic fields are usually extrapolated from photospheric fields, for which farside data is taken when it was at the frontside, about two weeks earlier. For the first time we have constructed the extrapolations of global magnetic fields using frontside and artificial intelligence (AI)-generated farside magnetic fields at a near-real time basis. We generate the farside magnetograms from three channel farside observations of Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Ahead (A) and Behind (B) by our deep learning model trained with frontside Solar Dynamics Observatory extreme ultraviolet images and magnetograms. For frontside testing data sets, we demonstrate that the generated magnetic field distributions are consistent with the real ones; not only active regions (ARs), but also quiet regions of the Sun. We make global magnetic field synchronic maps in which conventional farside data are replaced by farside ones generated by our model. The synchronic maps show much better not only the appearance of ARs but also the disappearance of others on the solar surface than before. We use these synchronized magnetic data to extrapolate the global coronal fields using Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) model. We show that our results are much more consistent with coronal observations than those of the conventional method in view of solar active regions and coronal holes. We present several positive prospects of our new methodology for the study of solar corona, heliosphere, and space weather.
Professional Training and Education (전문 교육 이수 이력)
Certificate in '2024 NASA International Space Apps Challenge - Galactic Local Mentor'
(2024년 나사 스페이스앱스 판교챌린지 지역 멘토 수료)
using NASA Space Apps Pangyo Discord Server (Oct. 2024)Certificate in '2024 NASA Heliophysics Summer School'
(2024년 NASA 태양권물리 여름학교 수료)
at University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder CO, USA (Aug. 2024)Certificate in 'Competency-based Education for Emergency Management of an Extreme Space Weather Event'
(2020년 우주전파재난 관리 직무역량 향상교육 수료)
at Korean Space Weather Center (KSWC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea (Oct. 2020)Certificate in 'The 10th KIAS CAC Summer school - Scientific Computing & Artificial Intelligence'
(제 10회 고등과학원 거대수치계산연구센터 여름학교 수료 - 과학 계산 & 인공지능)
at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Republic of Korea (Jun. 2019)Certificate in 'Space Weather REDI (Research, Education, Development Initiative) Bootcamp 2018 - NASA'
(2018년 우주 날씨 연구.교육.개발 주도 부트 캠프 수료 - NASA)
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt MD, USA (Jun. 2018)
Activites (활동 이력)
Academic Presentations (학술 발표)
: Solar Corona, Magnetic Fields, Space Weather, Deep Learning, Astronomy
Contact (연락)
Office: Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200B - box 2400 - office 04.32, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
( 3001, 벨기에 루벤 KU Leuven 수학과 04.32 호 )
Website of Hyun-Jin Jeong: Research Scientist in Solar Physics and Space Weather Studies
Copyright Hyun-Jin Jeong. All rights reserved.